Our Team

PlanAdapt is a transdisciplinary team of highly committed and passionate climate resilience and climate risk specialists across the globe. We cover a large range of disciplines and backgrounds. While PlanAdapt is a registered not-for-profit organisation in Germany, our team, however, is spread across the world and has not only working experience but is based in over 40 countries (see also the maps below). Growing as a lean organisation, we take a trajectory of an organisation without office spaces.

Our team is specialised in building capacities and skills of stakeholders and partners, analysing and advising on policies and methodologies to turn knowledge, plans and strategies into impactful action on the ground. We are excited to bring our expertise in agriculture, forestry, water resource management, coastal protection, human development, energy, infrastructure, health, tourism and other areas to the table, while we are keen on growing and learning together with the partners and clients we work with and for.

PlanAdapt's structure and different roles

We are not only researchers, advisors and experts, but also relationship builders, catalysts, facilitators, enablers or co-learners. We consider our collaborators and clients 'partners on the same journey' rather than 'recipients' of services or support.

PlanAdapt's vision of organisational development embodies a new and innovative way of collaborating beyond hierarchical structures and organigrammes while pursuing the principles of an open organisation.  Each person engaged with PlanAdapt makes his or her own choices about the type and the scope of the engagement (see PlanAdapt's approach).

Countries that PlanAdapt Coordination Hub members are based in

Countries that PlanAdapt Fellows are based in or originate from (clickable map)

Coordination Hub

Meet the members of our Coordination Hub who lay the groundwork to shape the formats and opportunities that others (e.g. PlanAdapt Fellows, Network Members) use:

Martin Rokitzki

Dr Sumetee Pahwa Gajjar

Carys Richards

Alannah Hofemeier

Dipankar Aich

Lisa Manya

Camilla Buenting

Tamara Nyirenda Jumbe

Sudev Madhav Dileep

Swarna Selvarajhan

PlanAdapt Fellows

Meet the colleagues who innovate, collaborate and learn together in the Climate Co-Adaptation Lab. Learn more about insights that Fellows have shared about the Lab.

Agustín Carrizosa

Ajoy Datta

Dr. Alexander Bisaro

Alexandra Amrein

Aline Lusieux Alves de Oliveira

Ana Polgár

Antonio Arce Romero

Dr. Anvita Pandey

Azra Tanović

Brock Hicks

Camilla Buenting

Catherine Fisher

Chandapiwa Molefe

Christian Muragijima

Clara Malcolm

Dave Ogier

Dr Devaraj de Condappa

Devendraraj Madhanagopal

Dipankar Aich

Dr. Dorcas Kalele

Emma Jones-Phillipson

Eric Hubbard

Esperanza Karaho

Gijs van den Dool

Hannes Kok

Hausner Wendo

Md. Humayain Kabir

Dr. Humphrey Agevi

Jess Vujovic

Kate Power

Keneilwe Mathaba

Krishnanunni Jithendra Kumar

Lingaraj Jayaprakash

Lucía Benavides Mondragón

Luciana Scrinzi

Luke Moore

Maitreyi Koduganti Venkata

Dr. Manoranjan Ghosh

Dr Mariana Vidal Merino

Maria van Veldhuizen

Dr. Martial Amou

Mohammed Mofizur Rahman

Nega Emiru Debela

Nirmal Mani Dahal

Nivedita Joshi

Olga Mapanje

Omagano Shooya

Pauliina Upla

Petter Sundqvist

Regina Vetter

Saila Toikka

Sam Greene

Sigmund Kluckner

Spilios Iliopoulos

Srishti Singh

Sushila Pandit

Dr Sumetee Pahwa Gajjar

Till Groth

Wolfram Lange

Selected Network Members

Marcia Trento

Marlon Martinez

Beryl Akoth

Rory Antoniuk

Catherine Van den Hoof

Ella King

Susanna Niederer

Marina Monzeglio

Robert Bierkandt

Alice Altmayer

Stefan Bößner

Daniel Longhurst

Inga Söllner

Mulugeta Worku Ayele

Delilah Griswold

Dr. Kei Namba

Krisztina Fabian

Mahé Perrette

Adrian Fenton

Karen Dall

Thomas Tichař

Ryan de Villiers

Nadine Raedel

Deepika Rawat

Dr Yi hyun (Ellie) Kang

Reaj Morshed

Maurice Ogoma

Luis H. Zamarioli

Leslie Morris-Iveson

David Bronzwaig Kravzov

Dr. Joanne Jordan

Julia Davies

Ivan Palmegiani

Nathan Debortoli

Aasha Subedi

Stephanie Austin

Sara Yrjönmäki

Silke van der Merwe

John Colvin

Ragasamyutha Ananthathmula

Irene Mukere

Léa Doumenjou

Karim Elbana

Anand Menon

Natalie Gröbner

Julia Reimers

Mabel Nabunya

Aswini Raveendran