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The website www.plan-adapt.org serves as the internet presence of PlanAdapt Collaborative gemeinnützige UG and its affiliate in Rwanda, Climate Adaptation Research & Consulting.

PlanAdapt Collaborative gemeinnützige UG

Address: Rykestrasse 52, 10405 Berlin, Germany

Managing director: Martin Rokitzki

Association with its registered seat in Berlin, District court Charlottenburg, HRB 231756 B, Tax-ID: DE328315426

Non-profit Status:
PlanAdapt Collaborative gUG is recognised as a not-for-profit organisation/ charity by the tax authorities of Berlin. PlanAdapt Collaborative supports the following non-profit purposes: promotion of science and research as well as students’ support (§ 52 section 2 sentence 1 No. 1 AO), promotion of public and occupational education (§ 52 section 2 sentence 1 No. 7 AO), the promotion of environmental protection (§ 52 section 2 sentence 1 No. 8 AO) and international development (§ 52 section 2 sentence 1 No. 15 AO).

Affiliate in Rwanda:

Climate Adaptation Research & Consulting

Enterprise Code: 123142000; Registration Date: 27 August 2024

Address: Westerwelle Startup Haus Kigali; 4th floor Fairview Building KG 622 Street Rugando Kimihurura; Kigali, Rwanda



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